
According to the residents and the lodge owner being impacted, the current road is fine, it needs asphalt. Contrary to the DOT’s statements, this road improvement is unnecessary and will harm the entire town because it will destroy the historic and only store in town which has been there since the 1930’s. The widening of the road will change the character of this quaint community nestled within the mountains , lakes, rivers and it will harm the wildlife, and Wolf Trail Lodge, a historic private lodge that had a book written about it ( Boyd, Edward M, ‘Wolf Trail Lodge’ 1984, Alaska Northwest Books, ISBN-10 :0882402714 ), and is home to bears, eagles, an intact wild pack, and lastly spawning salmon which is a concern to all Alaskans.

If it were only one environmental impact hitting Moose Pass but contrary to the DOT’s responses on their application for a Categorical Exclusion (See Tab), Moose Pass is being bombarded by pork belly projects converging all at once : The Kenai Hydro Project at Grant Lake, the Access Road, for that project that was once forest land now rezoned it to accommodate the Hydro Project, ( See articles in article tab section ) and the DOT rehabilitation project aka widen the road, along with a proposal for an alleged multi-million dollar bridge to access the Hydro Plant.

All these projects have huge environmental , social and economic impacts that are not beneficial to the wildlife, salmon and its residents. It is for these reasons , the Wolf Trail Lodge is asking for legal assistance, social media influencers, grass root volunteers, Alaskan residents, Federal taxpayers here and the lower 48, to help save the lodge and land, wildlife , salmon and preserve Moose Pass.

These projects are simply too large in context with the population base, wildlife , salmon streams and lakes; the headwaters for salmon swimming upstream feeding into the larger watersheds without much environmental restrictions/oversight due to certain agencies refusing to investigate further into these impacts, allowing these projects to move forward without looking too carefully , which will be fully explained in another section.

This road improvement project should be stopped for many reasons , and this website is devoted to why it is a waste of your money and how the residents, fish, wildlife, will be irrevocably harmed just to obtain money from the Federal government. This is really our money, and not free money, given to the State it’s federal taxpayer’s money. That alone should be quite incentivizing for stopping this project.